Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blissful aidil adha :)

Salam people!

Okay it's 2 days late already, but well, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA people!

Raya haji reminds me of my arwah atok. He died when i was in form 4, the night before raya haji. And my parents were in Mekah, performing haji. I mean, Arafah. They were there. So they didnt get the chance to see my arwah atok for the last time. I was supposed to join them as well, but i refused to go as i would have to skip many classes if i follow them. I was a bit regret at first for letting the rare chance away, but when my arwah atok died, i have no regret anymore. This is the hikmah that He gives me, i didnt get to perform haji in His Holy land, but i got the chance to kiss my arwah atokfor the last time, on behalf ofmy parents also. My brothers were so small that time, they were only 11, 7 and 4, they wont understand the lost.

May arwah atok be placed among the pious people, amin :)

Anyway, my another atok make a qurban today, in johor :)

A thing to ponder, if Ibrahim is willing to sacrifice his son, Ismail for Allah, for the Deen, what sacrifice we have done, or we are planning to do for our Deen? Think about it.


Love, Nabilah.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Salam, ppl :)

Hv u guys experienced a period of time where all bad things happen at once? Tonight was my unfortunate night, except for the part that i just had my sinful 3 slices of domino's pizza and twisted bread. Okeh, 1st the washing machine swallowed my money, rm4, such a waste. 2nd, i poured in detergents and softener into the machine already, so i need to wash the clothes by hand. 3rd, on my way back to my room, the holder of my laundry basket were ripped off, and i was climbing the stairs at that time, so the laundry basket rolled down the stairs =.='

Next, i cant save my class notes in moodle via ipad, so i need to switch on my laptop. Then, my internet connection went crazy, it wont let me browse anything via explorer but my twitter and fb apps worked perfectly fine, heh. When i finally got the moodle page loaded, the browser asked me to update my adobesomething to view the notes, grrrrr! I try to update it, unfortunately the installation cant be completed, maybe because the line is superslow, zzzzz

And now, im praying hard that dr renjith wont ask me anything on the class tomorrow, i havent read anything for the class tomorrow, amin.

Yes, sometimes things dont work as how we want it to be. Yeah, things happen. But i do believe in hikmah. So, insyaAllah everything happens for a reason, there must be hikmah beneath it. Sooner or later, we'll see it coming, just keep ur faith to Him. But well, we people never been that optimistic, we sometimes forget, it is His way to test us, or to keep us close to Him. I was about to break down just now, until i realized i have Him, all of the tests are actually very small, and still within my capability to handle them, insyaAllah.

But i really mean it when i say people never been that optimistic. Is there any of u guys who never complain or at least whine when problem comes? Think of the simple one 1st. When waiter got ur order wrongly? When u get ur food late? When the toilet queue is long? When meeting/class ends late? Think about it.

I must admit, i do whine and complain also, teehee.

Saturday, October 20, 2012



Here we go. New blog, new me. Let's just pray that i'll be a little bit more consistent in updating my blog, amin.

Just deleted my old blog 'biesunshine' and came out with this new blog in hope that it will show my new matured side and bring more blissful hopes to me :)

To my old blog followers, sorry but welcome to my new blog

To my new followers, hello! :D